EmBODY WELL provides a complete set of well-being services including coaching, women’s self-love retreats and online classes and special events. Are you ready to re/discover your best self?
EmBODY WELL provides a complete set of well-being services including coaching, women’s self-love retreats and online classes and special events. Are you ready to re/discover your best self?
Online classes are at-your-own-pace! Camera on or off, we welcome you to party with us!
Click on an upcoming class in the schedule below to enroll and become a monthly subscriber, sign up for a week trial, or just drop-in to the party! With 17+ classes (see Class descriptions below), there is so much to choose from! BONUS: Your subscription automatically enrolls you in EmBODY WELL Laughter Yoga Club’s monthly sessions!
+FREE every month!
Zumba - every Tuesday 6:00p ET/3:00p PT
Sunday Stretch - every Sunday 11:30a ET/8:30a PT
Laughter Yoga - every 2nd Monday and 4th Thursday 8p ET/5p PT
Included in a monthly membership are all special events, challenges and, of course, Laughter Yoga sessions for the month!
Click on the schedule below to be taken to our booking system to subscribe, enroll for a week, or take a drop-in class! (NOTE: If the schedule below does not appear, please go to http://studiobookingonline.com/embodywell to see the full schedule and subscribe!)
For instructions on how to use the booking system to enroll, click here.
Ab Roller Express* - Grab your ab roller*, sliders* or towels* and get ready to roll into stronger abdominals!
Core + - Whittle your waist with this 30-minute session focused on building core abdominal strength. Each session offers a new, tough set of intervals designed to work and help trim visceral fat around the midsection.
Dance In Stretch - Get lifted with this 30-minute lower impact blend of dance and stretching. Based on a fusion of modern, contemporary and urban dance, it is a unique blend of a traditional dance class and a dance fitness class. Each session, we build a new blended dance-stretch choreography based on a selected mid-tempo song !
Lower Body Lift* - Focus on the glutes in this 30-minute session focused on building lower body strength using resistance booty bands*! Squeeze to feel the burn!
Power Soul - Let loose in this free-styled 30-minute session! Each song features a different dance sequence that builds! And, you can even request your favorites be added to the playlist LIVE!
Resis-Dance* - Short on time? Want a great jumpstart to your day? Join this 30-minute rhythmic combination cardio-strength session. You bring the 3-8 lb weights*, we'll make you sweat!
Slow Strength* - Focused on gradually building upper body strength, this 30-minute session of varying tempos will tighten up and shake up your upper body routine at the same time! Bring your weights* and get ready to PUSH!
for Women format focuses on beneficial exercises for women specifically
Stretch & Roll* - Learn techniques to increase flexibility and decrease pain and risk of injury. Alternating foam rolls with stretches for each body part, learn foam roller* techniques that will leave you oozing off the mat after 30 minutes!
Zumba ReM!XED - Who doesn’t love a good remix? Enjoy unique choreography to original and remixed versions of world rhythms and local hits. The minutes will fly by; exercise in disguise has never been so hard to recognize!
EXPRESS format maintains the high intensity so we can “squeeze the lemon” in half the time!