The online wellness studio is open!

Online classes are at-your-own-pace! Camera on or off, we welcome you to party with us!

Click on an upcoming class in the schedule below to enroll and become a monthly subscriber, sign up for a week trial, or just drop-in to the party! With 17+ classes (see Class descriptions below), there is so much to choose from! BONUS: Your subscription automatically enrolls you in EmBODY WELL Laughter Yoga Club’s monthly sessions!

+FREE every month!

  • Zumba - every Tuesday 6:00p ET/3:00p PT

  • Sunday Stretch - every Sunday 11:30a ET/8:30a PT

  • Laughter Yoga - every 2nd Monday and 4th Thursday 8p ET/5p PT

Unlimited monthly membership - $65 ($75 for month-to-month)

Included in a monthly membership are all special events, challenges and, of course, Laughter Yoga sessions for the month!

Class pass - single - $15, Class pass - 1-week - $25

Click on the schedule below to be taken to our booking system to subscribe, enroll for a week, or take a drop-in class! (NOTE: If the schedule below does not appear, please go to http://studiobookingonline.com/embodywell to see the full schedule and subscribe!)

For instructions on how to use the booking system to enroll, click here.

Class descriptions:


Ab Roller Express* - Grab your ab roller*, sliders* or towels* and get ready to roll into stronger abdominals!

Core + - Whittle your waist with this 30-minute session focused on building core abdominal strength. Each session offers a new, tough set of intervals designed to work and help trim visceral fat around the midsection.

Dance In Stretch - Get lifted with this 30-minute lower impact blend of dance and stretching. Based on a fusion of modern, contemporary and urban dance, it is a unique blend of a traditional dance class and a dance fitness class. Each session, we build a new blended dance-stretch choreography based on a selected mid-tempo song !

Lower Body Lift* - Focus on the glutes in this 30-minute session focused on building lower body strength using resistance booty bands*! Squeeze to feel the burn!

Power Soul - Let loose in this free-styled 30-minute session! Each song features a different dance sequence that builds! And, you can even request your favorites be added to the playlist LIVE!

Resis-Dance* - Short on time? Want a great jumpstart to your day? Join this 30-minute rhythmic combination cardio-strength session. You bring the 3-8 lb weights*, we'll make you sweat!

Slow Strength* - Focused on gradually building upper body strength, this 30-minute session of varying tempos will tighten up and shake up your upper body routine at the same time! Bring your weights* and get ready to PUSH!

  • for Women format focuses on beneficial exercises for women specifically

Stretch & Roll* - Learn techniques to increase flexibility and decrease pain and risk of injury. Alternating foam rolls with stretches for each body part, learn foam roller* techniques that will leave you oozing off the mat after 30 minutes!

Zumba ReM!XED - Who doesn’t love a good remix? Enjoy unique choreography to original and remixed versions of world rhythms and local hits. The minutes will fly by; exercise in disguise has never been so hard to recognize!

  • EXPRESS format maintains the high intensity so we can “squeeze the lemon” in half the time!