Menopause Wellness Coaching

“…nothing generates a more powerful ripple than empowering people into understanding themselves and their health.”

With out unique specialized menopause program called Changing with the Change that combines menopause and lifestyle education and support, EmBODY WELL offers you the support you need to improve your overall quality of life in the next stage!

Changing with the Change is a specially designed 12-week menopause coaching curriculum that will be customized to your preferences and needs. Sessions are 30-45 minutes and rates are $85/session.

Changing with the Change proposes to empower your menopause journey by:  

  • delivering actionable menopause education based on up-to-date research, esp. diet + lifestyle

  • enabling and leveraging group coaching, support and sharing

  • supporting practical research

What is ChangiNG with The Change?

Changing with the Change is a revolutionary program to educate, motivate and inspire you for the next stage of life. As a collaboration with GYNConnect, Changing with the Change is the first experience that intentionally and explicitly acknowledges the challenges of the menopause stage of life as a change to your physical, mental/emotional, and sexual identity that requires support and rediscovery.  It seeks to empower you and your “menopause mindset” with the knowledge and tools to speak with your healthcare provider or shift your lifestyle and successfully embrace he opportunity and celebration that can be “change with the change.” In addition to experiencing Changing with the Change 1-on-1, you can join or create a:

  1. Group Cohort: As a group cohort experience, it is a valuable forum for women to not only share a supportive experience with a new tribe but also have fun as you learn and ‘crowdsource’ practical information and results for your journey.

  2. Private Group: Create your own Changing with the Change cohort! You customize the group, the schedule and the content from the Changing with the Change curriculum to create an experience that is most empowering and supportive for you.

For more information on the Changing with the Change as a group option, click here.

Take control of your options and schedule a chat to learn more!

Not yet ready for coaching?

Dip a toe in with the HOT FLASH! Weekly Newsletter! Every week, HOT FLASH! summarizes a menopause-related lifestyle study or article to close the gap between research and practice for everyone.