Lifestyle Options to Manage Physical Menopause Changes

Lifestyle Options to Manage Physical Menopause Changes

Excerpted from HOT FLASH! The Newsletter Vol X - to subscribe, send an email to with the subject “I want HOT FLASHes!”

Just as not every person born female experiences menopause changes the same way, the effectiveness of any given lifestyle option also varies from person to person. There are no guarantees that any action, supplement, or medication will work, and side effects are always possible.

A helpful question to ask is, "What are the risks of trying this lifestyle option?" Discuss this with your healthcare provider and do your own research. Also, make sure to follow dosage recommendations (whether for exercise, herbs, or other options) from reliable sources.

Below, we summarize featured findings on various lifestyle options for physical menopause changes you may want to explore.

OVERALL IMPROVEMENTS were observed with the following lifestyle options:

  • acupressure (see HOT FLASH! The Newsletter, Vol II)

  • group support (see HOT FLASH! The Newsletter, Vol IV)

  • Pycnogenol (see HOT FLASH! The Newsletter, Vol VII)

  • blackseed oil (see HOT FLASH! The Newsletter, Vol VIII)

  • curcumin (see also Vol VIII)

HOT FLASHES/NIGHT SWEATS were observed to improve with the following lifestyle options:

  • Vitamin D (see HOT FLASH! The Newsletter, Vol I)

  • group support (see HOT FLASH! The Newsletter, Vol IV)

WEIGHT GAIN was observed to improve with the following lifestyle option:

  • green tea extract (see HOT FLASH! The Newsletter, Vol III)

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Why health and wellness coaching is important to me AND you