Vegetablarian Recipe Secrets, Part 1: Roasting Veggies
As a nutrition educator and someone who loves to cook, I have never been a big fan of being strict with recipes and not leaving room for some level of creativity. Maybe it's the part of me that learned from my grandmother that "real" cooks don't measure and cook to taste. At the same time, I know that there are those who do better with more guidance (not less) when it comes to cooking. To that end, when I help others learn to cook, I like to give guidelines without being too prescriptive, as the saying goes, teaching how to "fish" not just giving a fish. One of the guidelines I share and use myself is a "formula" recipe for any roasted vegetable (leafy vegetables not included)... The cook just has to plug in the vegetable and herb of choice... The "formula" recipe has 5 basic ingredients and 3 basic steps and is as follows:
Roasting veggies is one of my favorite ways to prepare them!
+ + + +
VEGETABLE (fresh or frozen) +
OLIVE OIL (organic EVOO preferred) +
1) Preheat oven to 350-375 degrees F fresh, 375-400 for frozen. Use the Roast setting on oven, if available - Roast setting alternates bake+broil for delicious caramelization!!)
2) Toss above ingredients in a roasting pan.
3) Roast in oven for at least 15 minutes (to desired tenderness).
Here are some favorite examples of my tried and true versions of the "formula"...YUM!
BROCCOLI + olive oil + garlic + red pepper flakes + lemon (HAD THIS TONIGHT!)
GREEN BEANS + olive oil + onions and garlic + parsley + lemon
CAULIFLOWER + olive oil + garlic + smoked paprika + lime
ZUCCHINI + olive oil + garlic and onions + curry + lime OR + white pepper + lime
Do you have a favorite version of the "formula?" Don't keep it a secret! Share yours!
Check out the EmBODY WELL Grub and Groove Vegetablarian cooking show on YouTube for more vegetablarian recipe ideas!